What I’ve Learned About Fatherhood After 9 Months

Jackson turned 9 months old last weekend, and it seemed like a perfect time to look back on these first few months of being a Dad and take it all in. In truth, it’s absolutely flown by. It doesn’t seem too long ago that we first bought him home, or that Frankie had to explain


Life Update – With Added Disney!

Hey everyone! How’s it going? Just dropping in to offer a quick life update, and that is that… I’m now entirely self-employed. Eek. Thanks to having the contacts needed to be able to step away from my role at Reach PLC, I am now, in fact, a full-time freelance writer. Frankie and I went to


2019 – A Year of Change

It’s been a hell of a year, and it feels crazy to think of how much has changed in 365 days. This year my relationship changed, my family changed, my hobby changed and my work changed. That’s a lot of change. Let’s start with the big one – I’m a Dad now. On May 17th,
